Προς: Lebanese Embassy <athens.leb@gmail.com>

Dear ALL,

Following the deadly blast that rocked the Port of Beirut on the 4th of August, 2020, and its devastating consequences on lives, properties, and the environment, Beirut was declared a disaster-stricken city.

The Embassy of Lebanon to the Hellenic Republic, in collaboration with the Greek Lebanese Cultural Union (GLCU) has launched a campaign of solidarity to collect donations. We rely on the Lebanese, Arabs, and Greeks to contribute to said campaign that includes the following:

– First, medical assistance and material for the treatment of the wounded and injured and those with bone fractures, bruises and burns, and all the supplies for surgical and medical operations (attached a list of required medical supplies).

– Second, food assistance, and supply of basic products such as wheat, flour, pasta, oil, cereals (rice, lentils, beans, chickpeas), sugar, canned foods, formula milk in order to help the affected populations get over the expected period of shortage as a result of the burning of the stock that was stored in the silos in Beirut port, rendered completely un-operational.

-Third, building material (Aluminum profiles for doors and windows, painting material, wooden doors, accessories for doors and windows (attached details), given the scale of the damage to the infrastructure and to the public and private properties, in order to shelter those who lost their homes.

– Fourth, necessary supplies and logistics to reconstruct and re-equip the vital port of Beirut, enabling it to become fully operational as soon as possible, given its importance in supplying the basic needs to the exhausted Lebanese economy.

       For this purpose, the GLCU, under the supervision of the Embassy of Lebanon, has allocated a warehouse for the storage of the donations at the following address: 

Epikourou 28, Athens – Contact number: (30) 210 3240063

      For all who wish to donate, we kindly ask you to send the donations to the above-mentioned address and include: full name of donor, address in Greece, as well as a detailed list of the products and quantity sent, as shown in the sample attached (in two copies, one with the package and a copy to be sent to the embassy).

All donations will be dispatched to the Lebanese Army in Lebanon.

       For further information kindly contact:

Mr. Andre Khazoum

Mobile number: 6937220811

Email address: akhazoum@gmail.com

Ms.Elena Feghali

Mobile number: 6978286431

Email Address: elena.fegali@gmail.com


Dona Barakat
